Goodness (Guest Post)
“Open your mouth and taste, open your eyes and see—how good God is. Blessed are you that run to him.”—Psalm 34:8 (MSG)
Reviews make or break a restaurant and its’ chef. While my tongue has personal flavour preferences,
there is much I do not know about the culinary world. I look to restaurant reviews, trusting the critical
palates of those more knowledgeable than myself, to guide my eating choices. I also like to read the
reviews offered by diners; those who, like me, may lack the big expert knowledge but know what they
like and do not like. One common point in all reviews is that nothing is ever perfect. There is always
some tweak suggested to enhance a dish here or an overall experience there.
Psalm 34:8 is perfect just as it is served. “Open your mouth and taste, open your eyes and see—how
good God is…” What a bold statement made with assurance. This guarantees that all who try God for
themselves will find Him good.
As He is.
There are no suggestions that He might be good if you do this or if He’s paired with that. There are no
tweaks, no enhancements. The expectation and promotion is that God is nothing less than good.
The promise continues with “…Blessed are you that run to him”. There is an affirmed blessing that you
will experience once you try God for yourself. Another Bible translation says “Oh, the joys of those
who take refuge in him!” I have yet to read a restaurant review that offered to improve my life for the
long-term. No dish has ever offered me joy before. Yes, I may be satisfied for a few hours and relish a
dining experience. But joy? This can only come from Someone perfectly sublime.
We need to try Him on our own; the choice is ours alone. I can share my testimony and describe my
experience for you with elaborate detail. But you cannot experience Him vicariously through another
person. God is not holding out a gigantic spoon, pleading with us to open wide. There are no gimmicks,
no *choo-choo* of an imaginary utensil train in hopes that we’ll be goaded into trying God. Regardless
of whether you’re curious or are at the point of spiritual starvation, the results for me and you will
always be the same.
God is good!
Have you opened up your heart and mind to God’s goodness?
About Sabrina Jacques-Rowe
I’m Sabrina; a woman who is perfectly loved by a God who looks past all the imperfections. With a husband and three (soon to be four) precious children, life is full! I do pause here and there for at least two things: tea and blogging. Writing is one of many gifts which God has encouraged me to share with others.
You can visit my blog at
Beautifully written, friend! I love how you weave your words.
Thanks, Elizabeth 🙂 I had fun writing this one.