In Bloom
This is the view from my kitchen sink.
And it’s pretty awesome because I really don’t like to do the dishes. Like at all, and with a family of six you know there’s always a sink full of dishes, right?
Yet, lately I haven’t minded so much because I’ve had all this pink loveliness to look at.
We have had these beautiful roses blossoming over the last few weeks and it’s been remarkable to me because we have lived in our house for over 5 years now and there has ever only been one or two at a time until now.
And truth be told, there’s something special about the timing. As I think God’s blessed me with this gift for a reason.
You see in the past I’ve felt that there have been individual seasons of blossoming in my own life. Here and there life would be springing up as new experiences would bear fruit. But right now I’m at place where I’ve said yes to many things, probably “too” many things. And I can’t do them all. Not well at least.
And I don’t know which will flourish and which will wither up, but I know I want to seek His desires for my life more than I want to pursue my own agenda.
So I’m going to be taking some time off from blogging and other things. I’m going to have a mini-sabbatical for the month of July.
During which I’m hoping to spend time in prayer to further hear His still, small voice about what direction I should be heading in.
I’m also going to be examining my priorities, as I know what I want them to be but this hasn’t been reflected in the way I have been spending my time.
And I want to have some time to plan. I tend to take on many projects and try to juggle them all but I want to be more diligent about the opportunities I have been entrusted with and that will require being a bit more organized.
There are some baby buds that I want to nurture.
And there is some pruning that will need to be done as some things will have to go.
So that others can flourish.
And honestly I am no gardener; this must be evident as you see that poor state of my garden. Honestly sweet friends, I have in no way been gifted with a “green” thumb, no not even a little.
Yet, the master gardener is able to work and create such beauty in the mess.
I’ll be back sometime in August, hopefully with lots of fun and exciting news to report. Until then sweet friends, be blessed!
Much Love,
Enjoy your sabbath rest! I will be taking Sundays off mostly, hoping to lean in a little harder to hear His voice. Blessings my friend. Looking forward to your return.