Our Homeschool Curriculum: Kindergarten and Pre-school


Hi friends, I am back after my July blogging break and while I’m eager to share what we’ve been up to, today I am linking up with iHomeschool Network’s Not Back to School Blog Hop and sharing our curriculum choices for this year. Since many of you have followed along with our journey to homeschooling I thought I would share a bit of what we’ll be learning this year.

Let me clarify, I am NOT homeschooling all four children. In fact my two oldest boys, 16 & 14 will be heading to a new school for high school together. This will be the first time that they are back together for school in 2 years.  They will be attending a wonderful small Christian school in our community. I am really excited for them and praying it will be a great experience for them both.

I will be homeschooling the two youngest and this is what we’ll be using:

Sweet girl is 5 and starting Kindergarten. Now, I had started off with my heart set on Sonlight because I really do  like curriculum BUT it is very reading heavy and some of the books are long and my girl being only 5 is still kind of into the picture books so I was debating whether to move forward and just skip some of the read-alouds, which you can totally do. But then, I found the Memoria Press Kindergarten curriculum and I LOVE it!


It was perfect because I already had her working on the Memoria Press First Start Reading program which is part of the curriculum and then I ordered their instructor’s guide to check out the rest of the curriculum and found it is just what I was looking for. It is organized with  daily lessons which I totally love because it gives me some guidance and direction but it’s also very manageable.  They also have a great Enrichment guide and although the focus is on the 3Rs for Kindergarten, they also include social studies, science, art and poetry and some great read-aloud books.


She’s already learning how to read and I think it will be a great program for her. We will also be doing Horizons K as the math curriculum.


For my little guy, we’re keeping it pretty simple. He’s incredibly bright and very hands on but he’s 3 and a boy so his attention span isn’t super long yet. He also pick up a lot of what big sister is learning so I’m keeping it light for pre-school and won’t be too structured but we’re using the My Father’s World pre-school activity cards and some of their learning activities.


And if you’re new and would like to read more about our journey to homeschool, you can read more here.  I’ll be back later on this week to fill you all in on what we’ve been doing over the last month. 


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  1. Visiting from the blog hop. Would love to hear how your year goes with Memoria Press later this year? I have made myself a note to consider it for our K year next year. Thanks for sharing your plans. Have a wonderful school year!

  2. Hi,

    I found your blog just by googling My Father’s World. I saw you are doing the preschool with them, but wondering if there was a reason you aren’t using them for Kindergarten. I’m in the process of choosing my Kindergarten for my daughter. I have looked at Sonlight, Memoria, Calvert, and My Father’s world. Just wanted your thoughts about the K program with MWF?



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