Back to School and Some News. . .

Well, it’s that time of year. And my sweet oldest son is now a Sophomore! What!?!?! Where does the time go?

AND. . . .this year we’re trying something new as we decided to try homeschooling Matt for his 8th grade year. It has been a long process for us to to reach this decision but I’m excited because I wholeheartedly believe this is the right thing for our family at this time.

I am also doing homeschool pre-school and tot school for the two little ones. They’re pretty excited.

I know what you’re thinking HOMESCHOOL! ARE YOU CRAZY! Yes, I know. I KNOW. I kind of am a little, I think. . .

I know it will be hard. I have no doubts about that, I will be spending all day with my fun, but definitely challenging 13 year old son. But I also look forward to the opportunity to nurture his soul, to really get to know him better, to explore, go on field trips and to enjoy our afternoons together watching “The Office” reruns while the little ones nap.

So, in the coming weeks I’ll be sharing a little about our journey to homeschool so you can get an idea of how we got here. I’ll give you a behind the scenes and day in the life inside glimpse into our lives. I will also be sharing resources and information in case any of you might want to consider it or just be more aware about the process and what’s available.

But for now, I’ve got to go. I have kids I need to teach!
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