I’m Back. . . and Some Updates
Thank you friends and family for being patient while I took some time from blogging to work on various plans and projects.
We’ve had a great summer and now I think things will be starting to fall back into some routines.
Some updates:
Kids will be back in school in the next couple of weeks, making some changes but all good. More on that soon!
I signed up to run a 5k with my friend Missy. . . um yeah, still trying to figure that one out as I am SO NOT a runner.
I will not be returning to my job position from last year, I couldn’t commit to working full-time at this point and they wanted to combine my position with another so I had to turn it down. I have a few prospects though but for now will be focusing on my work at home.
I have taken on duties as the “connections catalyst” at our church’s women’s ministry. I am SUPER excited! Part of this will entail looking at ways to update our web site and online presence and possibly create a collaborative kind of blog site where women from our community can share their stories with one another. Also will be looking for others ways that the women at our church can connect with each other. I am super psyched and feel like this is confirmation of many things that have been on my heart! But . . .
I cannot and do not want to do EVERYTHING. . . so I will still be blogging here regularly (YAY) but will realistically shoot for 1-2 posts a week (instead of the 3-4 I had originally planned). I think that is doable and I want to have posts that have quality content over quantity.
I will also be updating the pages on my site in the coming weeks so stay tuned.
What else. . .? Still totally in love with my sweet husband. Still hanging out with my cool kiddos. Still trying to do some sewing/quilting (though not as much as I’d like). Still reading lots of books. Still praising God for all His goodness.
How about you? What’s your summer been like? And how are you all transitioning back?
You know that this summer has been a big one for me with transitions, including a new home (still got to make it cozy) and I’m also looking forward to the routines of getting back to school, and seeing what amazing things I can accomplish through God’s help (including slowing down and savoring the moment…). Love you lady!