A Wise Builder (My Word for 2016)
Happy New Year’s friends! I hope 2016 is off to a great start for all of you.
So I’m not a big “resolution” person but this is my fourth year of choosing a “word” for the year. Though really most years the words have chosen me.
My word found me last fall, I kept hearing it whispered and I knew it would be my focus for 2016.
It took a while for me to really get it. But I was drawn to it because it implied action. In the past my words have felt more passive, grace, rest, discipline (OK, maybe discipline was supposed to be active but not really).
But build implied work. I was going to have to roll up my sleeves and put in some time and effort.
I initially focused on the what. OK God what am I building?
So a few specific things I’ll be focusing on building this year are:
- My business- I have a lot of coaching and writing goals that I’m excited to get to work on
- My relationships- I want to spend my time building my real life friendships as well as using social media as a tool for connection rather than just scrolling through posts
- My home- I want to create a home culture that is aligned with our values and reflects our heart
- My habits- I want to establish healthier habits
But last fall my dear friend passed away unexpectedly. I miss her so much. And while I still mourn her loss, her death altered me in a profound way. She lived more in her short 35 years of life than many do after decades. She impacted more people than anyone I’ve known and she has left an incredible legacy of love, faith, wholehearted living.
And so I realized that it’s not just about the what but the “how”.
Therefore everyone who hears these words of mine and puts them into practice is like a wise man who built his house on the rock. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. But everyone who hears these words of mine and does not put them into practice is like a foolish man who built his house on sand. The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house, and it fell with a great crash. Matthew 7:24-27
Live with alignment.
While I had been intentional about living out my faith and my values in many ways there were still areas of my life where there was a disconnect.
And after my friend’s passing I realized I had neglected being intentional about the legacy I was building and the reality that its bricks are my days. How I spend my time now will reflect how I will one day be remembered. There’s just no way around it.
So this year I’m focusing on being a wise builder. One who lives with intention being mindful that each day builds upon the next until there are no more and I’m hoping that what is left will be a beautiful altar; a legacy of a faithful life well lived.
By wisdom a house is built, And by understanding it is established Proverbs 24:3
How about you friends, are you more a resolution or “word” person? Did you choose one this year?
Linking up with #RaRalinkup , #TellHisStory and #OneWordCoffee
Wonderful post Zohary! So glad I was your neighbour at the raralinkup
Katharine! I’ve missed you sweet friend. Glad we were neighbors! Thanks so much for your comment 🙂
Love this Zohary, your honest look at the need for intention and foundation under the life you want that reflects your values. I’m sorry to hear about your dear friend. I can imagine how hard that is to loose someone so close and so young. I love how she inspired you to create a legacy that really matters! Beautiful!
Your word is perfect..I think of the Israelites building the temple..the very detailed messages they received from God. We need to do the same with our lives! Visiting from #raralinkup!
Kathy, thank you so much for your sweet comment. Love the visual of the Israelites building the temple, detailed instructions. SO true !
Can’t wait to see what God leads you to ‘build’ this year! My #OneWord365 is “share”. Happy New Year!
Kim! You are such a blessing to me. And I love that your word is “share”. 🙂