On Rumbling With Grief
I’ve been in a weird place for about 6 months now. Early October 2015 is when my dear friend Aletha passed away. She was a beautiful, unique soul. Mostly though, she was one of my people. She’s someone I would text when life got crazy, when I needed to vent about my teens or when I just needed to be reminded of how sweet Jesus is. Everyone loved her and I think we all believed she would be healed. So when the Lord decided to heal her on the other side of heaven; there was pain but also shock.
As a trained mental health professional, I am well aware of the stages of grief; denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance. As a “good Christian” I thought I would be better prepared and move into the “acceptance” phase smoothly but the truth is that I’ve stayed in the anger part for much longer than I thought I would. I believed that I should be OK, I should have a period of grieving and then move on, it was God’s will after all, who was I to argue with that. So I tricked myself into thinking that I was fine.
But I’ve realized that I have not moved on. I am still angry and not only because of my friend’s death but I’m angry over many other mini-deaths I’ve had to grieve. Dreams, expectations, and time I can’t get back. And to be honest this has surprised me. I thought my faith was deeper than that. Maybe it is though when I actually let it be instead of using faith as a kind band aid.
In the Daring Way we talk about a lot about numbing and the differences between doing something to numb (watch 14 hrs. of Downton Abbey because I just can’t deal with life) vs engaging in something as comfort (watching one hour of Downton because the show is just delightful). There are all kinds of things we can use to numb; food, drugs, sex, shopping, etc. The problem is that numbing keeps us from connection and it generally keeps us stuck.
In some ways I’ve used religion to numb. I’ve gone to church, sung the songs, read the scriptures, prayed. BUT my heart has been distant. I don’t really want to trust God because if I do then I have to accept that even though He loves me, He may ask me to give up something else.
Truth- I don’t want to give up anything else. So I’ve kept God at a slight distance. Sure, I’ll pray, ask Him to bless others, etc. but my heart has been a bit hardened.
In the last couple of weeks I’ve really had to rumble with my grief. There are just circumstances beyond my control; small deaths of hopes and dreams for myself and my loved ones that have had to be buried. Relationships that will never be as I had hoped. Outcomes I expected would happen but didn’t. Disappointment.
But as I’ve embraced practicing mindfulness I’ve had to take an honest self-assessment and admit that I’ve been avoiding my “stuff”. And it’s come to a head.
Last week I had a major temper tantrum with God. I thought I was better than that. Apparently I’m not.
Grief brings a deep sense of loss sometimes it’s just a yearning; something we didn’t even know we wanted until it’s gone or no longer an option and we are left feeling a bit lost unsure how to navigate this new reality.
And I’ve been wandering lost pretending that I don’t care instead of looking for the path towards healing and forgiveness.
But in order for forgiveness to happen something has to die. That’s why grief and forgiveness go hand in hand.
This is a hard truth. But what about when you’re not sure you forgive God because someone/something did die?
It’s interesting. Ironic perhaps that I’m rumbling with all of this as I sit preparing for my Rising Strong spring retreat next month where we will tackle rumbling with not only grief but also shame, trust, anxiety, criticism in order to fully own our stories, rise from our falls and face our hurts in a way that brings more wisdom and wholeheartedness to our lives.
I thought I needed to have it all figured, not still be rumbling with such things because I’m the LEADER. But I think there is wisdom in the process. That’s where the growth happens.
I spoke a few weeks ago at my church about growth and how God can take the little we have to offer (even mustard seed sized) and produce a harvest. We think about having faith the size of a mustard seed but sometimes I think it’s not just faith, but also trust, hope, joy that can feel oh, so small. I still have a little bit of those and I believe it’s enough for God to work with.
And I’m learning that I have to be OK in the mystery. It’s uncomfortable and there are days when I absolutely hate it but I feel more alive at those moments as opposed to when I’m perfectly comfortable “numbing” but feeling very little.
Oh friends, is there something you’re rumbling with?
***I’d love it if you’d consider joining me next month at the Rising Strong Spring Retreat. I really want you to come, it’s going to be an awesome time and have even added a “pay what you can” option if finances are an issue. Contact me for more info.
Linking up with #RaRaLinkup and #TellHisStory
Zohary, It was such a joy to find your blog through #TellHisStory. I love your honesty and vulnerability (what I have been writing about) and the theme of grief. Grief is something none of us want, it rips our hearts apart and yet how deeply it touches this life. I can imagine your loss is great…and just because you have the answers does not mean you can place them neatly over the pain. Every counselor or mentor I have ever trusted with my pain has shown me they know it first hand…
‘Rising Strong’ sounds like everything I love…maybe next year??
I have written a couple of times recently on grief through my own journey…I thought you might appreciate this one ‘Because Grief Has A Name’ http://www.alifeoverseas.com/because-grief-has-a-name/
Be blessed!
Abby thank you so much for your comment! And for sharing your posts & perspective on grief, heading over to read now!
I’m going toe to toe with grief right now. It feels like a catch 22… If I’m not sad enough by my father’s death then maybe I didn’t love him enough and if I’m too sad, it looks like I lack the faith I profess. And, I’m in a numbing mode right now, without question – and not the good kind. I think being in the mix will make you a more relatable leader for your retreat! It’s hard to take people seriously who seem too put together, too text book and not enough real life! Blessings, friend!
Ugh Liz, so sorry you’ve got your share of rumbling going on friend. Thanks so much for stopping by and for your kind words! Blessings to you.
Zohary, so sorry to hear about your friend. Grief is such a hard thing. It is never the same, is it? So much THIS: “Grief brings a deep sense of loss sometimes it’s just a yearning; something we didn’t even know we wanted until it’s gone or no longer an option and we are left feeling a bit lost unsure how to navigate this new reality.” Blessed to be your neighbor at the RaRa linkup.
Tara, I really appreciate you stopping by. Thanks so much for your kind words!
These are difficult issues to grapple with. Moving through a phase of questioning God’s heart toward us is plain hard… and then when you get to the other side, you hope that your faith is still in tact. I dealt with the death of a dream and battled for years against the feelings that God was against me. But the wonderful thing is that God is so very patient, loving and if we will choose to listen to ‘the still, small voice’ He will guide us through these times into a place of deeper love. Thanks for sharing your journey!
Karen, yes questioning God’s heart toward us IS hard. Hoping to come out with a stronger faith on the other side for sure. thanks for your comment!
Grieving is natural and normal. Jesus wept over Lazarus and He mourned the destruction of the city of Jerusalem. To mourn is to sense and to process a profound loss and it does not happen instantaneously. How can it? You have to deal with missing someone who is gone forever, this side of heaven and it leaves a visible space in your heart. The important thing is that we have Jesus with which to weather these storms. The truth is that whether we ‘feel’ Him or not, whether we’re angry with Him or not, He is still there, just like the sun behind the clouds when it rains. Peace to you, my friend.