A Simpler 2014: The Life Simplified Project


As 2013 comes to an end and I start looking at what I’d like to do differently in 2014, one word that comes to mind is LESS. As in DO less, HAVE less, SPEND less, etc.

I feel like my cup runneth over . . .  and not in a good way.

I’m exhausted. I know my one word for 2013 was Rest and though I do think I was able to add more physical rest time to my life I also feel like I’ve constantly been in battle with myself:

I say I believe in God’s grace, that it’s sufficient and yet I have been struggling with regrets and feeling like a disappointment

I say I want to cultivate a spirit of gratitude in my home but I end up grumbling and getting annoyed with all of the piles of “stuff” in our home

I say I want to take better care of myself but I continue to put other things first and my health is never a priority

I say there are goals and dreams in my heart that I want to work toward but I find myself wasting time playing Candy Crush online instead. . . .

I’m tired of feeling “off” or as my mother in law would say “kiddywampus” and in the coming year I desperately want my walk to be in line with my talk.

And so it is with great pleasure that I announce a new project that I’ll be working on in the coming year. . .

I will be joining some like-minded blogging friends with similar goals as we seek to do/have less so that we can BE more. Life Simplified.

I personally will be focusing on a few key areas in my life that desperately need to be simplified:

  • Health
  • Home (And Homeschooling, Homemaking. . .)
  • Time
  • Faith

Over the coming months I will be sharing some practical ideas that I will be implementing in my own life in an effort to live with more joy and less stress. I plan on writing one or two Life Simplified posts per month and most likely will spend a couple of months on each area.

Please check out our group Pinterest board to follow along with all of the Life Simplified posts.

So friends, are there areas in your own lives that you’re looking to simplify? Let me know so we can encourage one another.

And please feel free to share any of your own strategies for living more simplified. I would love to hear about what’s worked for you.

Have a blessed and wonderful New Years!


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