What I Learned This Summer
I kept planning on posting my “What I learned” posts in June, July and August it seemed like I was out of town or super busy at the end of each month so it made writing and posting a bit more of a challenge. SO, I decided to just consolidate all of my lessons into one post.
In no particular order here are some things I learned this summer:
I learned what my colors are. And apparently I am a “Clear”, which means I look good in bright hues and should stay away from muted and dusty shades and I should not ever wear brown and beige together. Shari Braendel, who is the #1 Christian Personal style coach was at She Speaks and I had her tell me what my colors are. And it makes total sense now why I’m drawn to silver over gold and why the bulk of my wardrobe consists of white, black and navy.
I learned about the First5 app which has been amazing and I love the devotionals for the book of John study as well as the convenience of being able to give God the firstfruits of my day. We’re just starting the new study on the book of Genesis if you want to join.
American Girl has a new 1950’s historical doll named Maryellen, who is super cute! This is a big deal for both my year old sweet girl and myself because we were sad they kept retiring the historical dolls but now they have this new one so hopefully more historical girls will come in the future.
Also, said 7 year old has been a reading machine this summer and I learned that she really loves the American Girl books and she’s read through all of the Marie-Grace and Cecile stories.
Plumbing pipes do not last forever. I think I knew this in theory but I know this personally because one was leaking under our house and we had to get it replaced. Apparently they only last 50-60 years and well, I guess ours was about that old. Thankfully, our plumber is also our neighbor so he was able to fix it fairly quickly. I’m pretty sure there’s a special place in heaven for plumbers and other “dirty jobs” workers.
My 16 year old is a pretty good driver. Believe me dear reader no one is more surprised by this than me. I mean he’s sixteen and spends the bulk of his “free time” playing video games, but yet he has impressed me with his commitment to learning and practicing and hopefully will have a license at the end of the year. And then I will have someone to go to the store for me. Yay!
Vacation and rest are good for the soul. (I knew this already but it was good to relearn it this summer) We had a fabulous family vacation visiting my in-laws and attending the wedding of my husband’s cousin. It was lovely and everyone had a nice time and there were no major meltdowns. I married into an awesome family! I love you all Ross/Anderson/Pilacik fam!
And now we’re heading off to another wonderful end of summer vacay that I can’t wait to tell you about!
I learned a bunch of other things from the conferences I went to, some of which I’ve already shared and some I’ll share about another time.
What I watched:
- Minions
- Inside Out
- Whiplash
- The Grand Budapest Hotel
- This is Where I Leave You
- Parenthood (re-watching it with my sweetheart )
- Probably some other stuff that I can’t remember right now. . .
What I read:
- Bossypants- Tina Fey (funny)
- Rising Strong- Brene’ Brown (SO good, go out and get it!)
- Bread & Wine- Shauna Niequist (really sweet and has some awesome recipes)
How about you friends, any good lessons from the summer?
Linking up with Emily
I’ve been using the First5 app also. Love it1
It’s good when you like doing things with the family you married into!
I remember well when my girls turned 16 and started driving. It certainly kept me on my toes and helped increase my prayer life. 🙂
My 8-year-old girl loves the historical American Girl books too. She has a doll, but, honestly, I’m more excited about her love of the books. 🙂 Sounds like you had a good summer!
OH MY I loved this post because
1. I just wrote a post yesterday about how our guest bathroom had a leak and now there are holes in the wall. BUT we didn’t have to pay a plumber yay! Our house is 106 years old so the pipe has lasted pretty long I’d say.
2. I LOVE THE SHOW PARENTHOOD. I just finished it this month and wrote about it in my what I learned post as well.
Thanks for sharing 🙂