You’re Love No Matter What (A Review)


In my post last week I shared about how we were fasting from perfectionism and embracing vulnerability. It’s no coincidence that I’ve had perfectionism on my mind, it creeps up in a lot of my work and also I have been reading You’re Loved No Matter What by Holley Gerth, The tagline is “Freeing Your Heart from the Need to Be Perfect.”


Though I wouldn’t necessarily consider myself a “perfectionist” I have suffered from what Lysa Terkeurst refers to as “the disease to please” and can tend to take on certain “perfectionist” related symptoms. Like you know, setting unrealistic expectations, trying to keep everyone happy, look to others for validation rather than relying on the truth of who God says I am.

Anyone else?

So I can definitely relate to many of the topics covered in this book. With chapters like “Trading Guilt for Grace”, “Daring to Be Who You Already Are” and “A Practical Plan for Beating Perfectionism”, the author is definitely speaking my language in this book.

Holley is great, I have read most of her other books including “You’re Already Amazing” and my favorite “You’re Made for a God-Sized Dream” and can say that she is a great writer and an encourager. This book is no exception and does goes a great job at both offering encouragement and practical help such as identifying our strengths, love languages and personality types.

I have lots of notes and highlights in the book and some favorites are:

I think at the root of every desire for perfection is simply this: fear. The way we battle fear as humans is through control. And being perfect is the ultimate expression of control. (pg. 19)

God loves all of us and he wants every single one of his daughters to be free from the trap of “perfection.” You. Me. The woman you admire. The woman you criticize. Everyone. (pg 129)

Pursue Excellence, Not Perfection. . . “Excellence is doing what you can, with what you have, where you are, as you are.” (pg 132-133)

Here’s the thing Jesus was the only completely PERFECT person ever. And He already paid the price for us. In other words, He paid our restaurant bill so we don’t need to try to do anything else (wash dishes, leave a tip, pay Him back); He’s got this so we don’t have to TRY so hard.

Are you tired of the trying, the striving and the never __________enough?

This is a great book for any woman who is struggling with feel valued, trying to earn approval, or doubting she is (already) good enough.

I think it’s a great read and I definitely recommend it.

Because sister you really and truly are loved already.

No matter what.

Friends, what are you reading these days? Anything that you recommend? Would love to hear about it.

*Revell sent me a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.

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