Revisit: Identifying Values



What is most important to you?

As we embarked on the reset journey, it may have become apparent that something clearly isn’t working; something may be “off” because how we are living is not aligning with our deeply held values.

For example, maybe one of our values is family, but we’re working 80 hour work weeks and hardly see our significant other or children. This will eventually lead to stress and conflict both internally and with our loved ones if not addressed as our actions are not in line with what we hold to be the most important.

Our values are the things that we believe to be most important in our lives. The ideals that direct how we live, work, and play.

These values should determine our priorities and are usually what we refer back to when determining how authentically we are living.

Thus having clearly defined values is extremely important.

Today assignment is a values audit.

Below is a commonly used list of values:

values list

You can print it out and circle the words that most resonate with you and that you would consider to be essential to who you are.

Some helpful tips:

  • consider some words that are applicable to both your personal and professional life
  • recall times when you have felt happiest, what factors contributed to your feelings?
  • identify times when you have been fulfilled and satisfied?
  • feel free to add new words for anything that you value that is not on the list

Have a lovely day! Tomorrow we will talk about prioritizing our list.



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