Remember: Marking Point



We’ve covered permission and showing up authentically.

Now it’s time to look back to move forward.

I don’t know all the details of your story. The good, bad and ugly but I DO know that like me, the details are have all shaped and made you the awesome person that you are today.

Yes, I’m sure there have been some peaks and valleys. Some hard times. They haven’t felt great while you were going through them but they’ve made you, YOU.

I have been called many things but most recently someone called me strong. That unsettled me a little bit. I’m not sure I would call myself strong but you know what? I am.

I’ve been a loner, an odd girl out, a single mom, a working and going to school mom. I live with chronic pain and still manage to keep people alive. I’m dealing with a prodigal child and all of the challenges that come with that. I have been hurt by people I love.

I’m good in crisis. In fact that’s what prompted my cousin, a 37 year old man to call me strong. He knows my good friend with the brain cancer well as we all grew up together and was asking me about her condition. I told him all of the hard facts as I just visited her last weekend.

He told me I was strong, that he couldn’t do it, that he would have “lost it” if he was there. Maybe he would have, I don’t know. But I do know that although I started sobbing each day after stepping outside of her room and heading back, I kept it together for her during the day.

I was strong, I am.

But I have to admit that any strength I may have comes from 1) God who sustains me and 2) the difficult experiences of my past that I have endured and emerged from with greater resilience.

Maybe you have similar experiences?

In the bible there are several instances where a meaningful event occurred. God appeared to someone, gave a command, etc. and that person marked that event in some way by creating an altar or renaming a place.

As we move forward in a desire for a reset let’s claim October 2014 as a marking point.

Today let’s take some time to honor the past, all of our joys and hurt that we’ve encountered thus far. Say a quick blessing of gratitude and release of all that has been. And as we move forward with our desire for a reset let’s claim October 2014 as a marking point. Write or draw in your journal or create another kind of “altar” in some way to remember.



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One Comment

  1. I really appreciated this message and loved your last paragraph. I look forward to catching up on your series and doing my best to follow along.

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