A Space of One’s Own

Friends, this has been a rough week for me as a very dear friend unexpectedly passed away last week so I have been a little out of it to say the least. And to be honest have made little progress on my own “elephant”. But there is grace and I know I’ll get back to it once life hurts a little less.

Thankfully, though I planned ahead (so unlike me) and had this post ready to go. So for today I’ll keep it simple. This week we are talking about some tools you’ll need to work on your own elephant. Yesterday Christa did a great post on the need for community. Today I’m talking about space.

You need your very own space to dream, create, plan, and work.  Consider it a “dining table” for eating your elephant.

Maybe you’re lucky and have your very own private office with like a door that you can close for privacy and lots of space for your “things”.

If so, awesome!  I’m so jealous happy for you. You’re in a good place to get working on your elephants. No excuse.

But maybe you are like me and you only have a “corner”. That’s OK too. I love my “office nook” in the corner of our kitchen. I have a cubby for each of the important areas of my life and I have all of the tools I need to get organized and work on my writing all in one place. Including notebooks, resource books and my favorite colorful pens. Plus I’m a words of affirmation girl so I have positive images and verses to encourage and inspire me. It’s small but it’s mine and it works.


The bottom left is my “writing cubby”; there I have notebooks, books on the craft of writing, drafts, binders with notes from classes, etc. I also have a cube for home management, bible study, and coaching. And on my little blue cart/shelf I have easy access to my “first things” on top (my bible & gratitude journal for the mornings) and then my soul care (art supplies) in the middle with overflow work “stuff” on the bottom. Super cute, small and handy.

OK but hold up, you might be saying. “I don’t even have a corner I can use!”

Don’t fret, you can create what I like to call a mobile office or work crate. All you need is a cute basket for your tools. You can find one at Target, Michael’s or amazon.com if you don’t want to leave the house. Some ideas for how to use:

Blogging/writing goals: keep your notes, pens and planner in there any other favorite resources.

Home organization/management elephants: keep you to-dos, copies of important documents, cleaning schedule, preferred vendors/contacts list, favorite web sites, etc.

Trying to just survive motherhood: place your favorite scented candle, book, chocolate and journal in there for when baby naps. You’ll have access to a few “tools” at your disposal.

Within my own “corner” I have my bible study “crate” where I keep my journal(s), bible, study guides, colored pencils, devotional, prayer cards, and other handy tools that I can move around with me so I can do my study anywhere in the house. (I think I got the basket at World Market. ) 


No matter what you have available for your space; whether it’s an office, a corner, or a crate take some time to claim some space of your own. Make it pretty, fill it with your favorite things, colors, textures, etc. It will make working on your “elephant” so much for enjoyable that you’ll start looking forward to getting to work on your goals and projects rather than feeling overwhelmed by them.

Check out my home office Pinterest board for inspiration. And join us on Christa’s blog tomorrow as we continue with “tools” week.


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